safety n. 1.安全;平安,稳安,保险。 2.(枪等的)保险器,安全瓣;〔口语〕低座脚踏车[自行车] (=safety-bicycle)。 3.安全设备,保险装置。 4.【棒球】安全打。 public safety 公安。 safety explosive 安全炸药。 a gun at safety 上了保险的枪。 a safety device [apparatus] 保险装置。 There is safety in numbers. 人多较安全;大家一致行动起来成功的希望较大。 coefficient [factor] of safety 安全系数。 flee for safety 避难。 in safety 平安地。 play for safety 稳扎稳打,谨慎行事。 S- first! 安全第一! Seek safety in flight 避难。 with safety 安全地,平安地。
Safety code for painting - labour safety and labour health management 劳动安全和劳动卫生管理
Oil industry busywork concourse labouring safety artical for use equip request 石油工业作业场所劳动防护用具配备要求
Design code of labour safety and industrial hygiene for fossil fuel power plants 火力发电厂劳动安全和工业卫生设计规程
Forestry labour safety 林业劳动安全
Design code for labour safety and industrial sanitation of water conservancy and hydropower projects 水利水电工程劳动安全与工业卫生设计规范
Maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 4 : labour safety and health . part 91 : general rules 民用航空器维修标准.第4单元:劳动安全卫生.第91部分:通则
Maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 4 : labour safety and health . part 93 : rules for electricity utilization 民用航空器维修标准.第4单元:劳动安全卫生.第93部分:用电安全规则
Maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 4 : labour safety and health . part 99 : regulations for management of occupational health 民用航空器维修标准.第4单元:劳动安全卫生.第99部分:职业卫生管理
Maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 4 : labour safety and health . part 97 : safety regulating rules for lifting facility 民用航空器维修标准.第4单元:劳动安全卫生.第97部分:起重设备安全管理规则
Maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 4 : labour safety and health . part 92 : safety regulating rules for ground equipment 民用航空器维修标准.第4单元:劳动安全卫生.第92部分:地面设备安全管理规则